Thursday, May 20, 2010

What are the best gifts to get a mother right after the baby is born????

My bestfriend is due any day and I could use some tips from moms on what the best gifts you got for YOU not the baby were after you had it...

What are the best gifts to get a mother right after the baby is born????
Go to her house, ooooo and ahhhh over the baby for about 5 minutes then get up and put a load of laundry in to wash, wash the dishes, spiff up the bathroom and cook some dinner and run the vacuum over the carpets.

Trust me, this is the best gift you can give

If you really must wrap something a nice basket from Bath and Body works and a gift certificate for some place that can deliver dinner is nice.
Reply:The best gift in the world is help. New mothers are EXHAUSTED and need to be taken care of. I would have loved to have had someone to watch my other kids even for a few hours so I could sleep when my infants slept. It was ten times harder when my husband had to back to work after only a week or so and I had to fend for myself, sleep deprived and tired from breastfeeding.

So please give your friend your time. It can be watching her other kids( if she has any), bringing over healthy dinners so she doesnt have to cook, or just being there so she isnt alone. Im not talking just for a few days, Im talking about a few months of watching out for your friend's physical and mental health will be a WONDEROUS gift!
Reply:Help with housework, and ready to eat dinners are the best!
Reply:After giving birth, the body of the mother usually quite weak. So, in my opinion, the best present for the mother is health food which enable the body of the mother recovery soon.
Reply:You can never have enough nappies or wipes, they are really handy and useful gifts and appreciated
Reply:Meals that can be frozen, a certificate for take out, a bath gift set for herself, teas, nightgown, pajamas, or lounge clothes (with buttons if nursing) so she can go around the house in them as it may be a few days before she manages a real schedule with time to dress gift I got was a catered meal from a friend who owns a restuarant. It was excellent and I did not have to do a thing.
Reply:a break or a nap :)
Reply:you can watch the baby so she can sleep for a couple of hours and you can make dinner for her and you and you can chat about the new baby/
Reply:NOT FLOWERS!! They are so overdone!!

How about a DVD with a popular TV series that she didn't get to watch. When I had my oldest daughter....I spent so many nights up with her. I watched the complete "Sex and The City" series during those weeks!! Think of gifts that will help her out when she is frazzled by the exhaustion of a new baby. Indulgences, good food, something that will help her out.

What about a certificate for maid service??

OR a diapercake filled with goodies for mom.....She can always use the diapers and then she gets treats for herself, too!!
Reply:Babysitting coupons. Offers to help with housework. A pedicure.
Reply:the best gift would be time and support, but if u really want to get her a little something some p-jas will do for all those endless nights
Reply:Make a coupon book! Have coupons for several hours of babysitting, a few errands you could do for her, a dinner/movie for the two of you and some coupons for adult interaction (you would go to her house and just chat, new mothers need this). It's something that really shows you care. You could pair this with a meal that would just need to be thrown in the oven or on the stove.
Reply:Help around the house, ready made dinners to pop in the oven,

and company that does not expect to be entertained. Sometimes you get lonely stuck at home with a new baby and would love to have someone come over to make you a cup of tea, tidy up the house a bit and just talk to you or listen to you.

Flowers are pretty too but they die too soon. You could offer to give her a manicure or pedicure as well. Mostly though it is nice to have someone tell you that you are doing a good job and you are a good mom.
Reply:breastfeeding pillow, breast milk storage bags, nursing pads, shower soothers, fancy chocolates that I enjoyed one when I was up in the middle of the night sleepy and stressed out. Gift card to clothing store so I could get clothes that would fit me.
Reply:flowers are always nice
Reply:my neighbor cleaned up for 2 wks. taughtl me baby caring, answered my silly questions, so i got to look for hours at this wonder,and sleep, and sleeep.....
Reply:Cook a couple of casseroles and put them in her freezer, a *coupon* for your cleaning and/or babysitting services (and don't make lame excuses if she calls in the favour - one of my husband's aunts did that to me and I ended up screaming at her and threatening to wallop her if she ever came near us again, trust me she deserved it). Um, what else, spa certificates are stupid, she'll not have the time nor the energy to spend half a day getting mudded and buffed. Maybe a gift membership to a movie rental place? Preferably an online one that delivers. Gift certificates for take out food, a few bags of diapers and wipes, a comfy jogging suit, some trashy paperback novels, etc etc.
Reply:YOUR TIME! My best friend was over at the house every day for the first week or so, she cooked me breakfast, did laundry and took care of her new little "niece" while she made me lay down and nap, or showered! She even took care of getting rid of those unwanted visitors for me so I could rest. It was in those first few days that I realized that she was my BEST friend, We bonded so much in those few days... more than we had in the 10 year friendship we had forged before hand! And of course... I did the same for her when she had her children!
Reply:i would say diappers (need a lot of those), that rash cream they sell i know huggies has it, colic medication, baby wipes, its always nice to receive clothes, i love blankets!!
Reply:I never got any gifts..... but I would have loved a gift certificate for a massage, someone to cook me a dinner, help me with the laundry, etc. so I could sleep while the baby was sleeping.
Reply:why don't you give your friend a set of bubble bath and body cream. or cosmetics or jewelry.
Reply:vouchers for help! Those are nice. Make a little coupon book "2 hours of free baby sitting" "Do your dishes" "Help with laundry" Stuff like that. My mother in law bought me a beautiful nursing gown and robe from motherhood maternity and I sewed up the holes after I was done nursing and I still wear it. I love it! Best gift I got! Does she have a boppy pillow if she's nursing? I liked that a bunch! And Also my husband got me a necklace with a little charm of a child with a birthstone tummy. I now have a charm for all three children. :)
Reply:Believe it or not. I have 3 kids. the best gift I ever got was photo. you might try a photo package, a scrap book if they are into that. With lots of neat stickers that she might enjoy creating memory pages. Im a sucker for something that creates memories.
Reply:I got three gifts that were all equally wonderful... the first, and maybe the best.. was my mother got "Olive garden to go" for 8 people and my mom, dad, brother, sister in law, their kids, and my huband and I all had dinner at my house (without me having to cook or clean) the night we brought my son home. The reason that was so nice was because I didnt have to lift a finger.. and we got to introduce him to everyone without leaving home! The second was ... A bottle of champagne! Yum. make sure if your friend is breastfeeding, she understands she must throw away any milk she pumps for 6 hours after having a drink (that is straight from a lactation consultant with 30 years experience). The third best gift was from my friend.. she gave us a gift certificate to our favorite restaurant, a "coupon" for a night of babysitting, and two movie tickets. It was nice to get out, although we didnt use them for about 3 months!
Reply:I didn't get any gifts after my daughter was born. First time I got a gift after she was born was on my birthday ten months later.
Reply:Oh Yeah!!! Here is the BEST gifts....

It is quick and easy,convenient gourmet foods....all natural and cheap! And it is sent right to her house with a gift message! There is slow cooker recipes for those days when she cant get dinner on the table!

good luck!!
Reply:offer to help her out for a couple of days at the house, if she doesn't have anyone helping her- stay the day if her man works or something. or stay the night. which ever works. I know that the biggest thing for me was that i was so exhausted after having my son that i didnt want to get off the couch for about a week. my mom took 2 weeks off work and stayed with me, since my man worked and wasnt too good with helping out with the new baby. (he still isnt but oh weelll) the best thing was when she would stay the night and take care of the baby so that I could sleep for just one night all the way through. there were nights i crashed so hard that i slept for 20 hours or more. (of course i was out tryin to run around and be my normal self...yeah right)

if thats not an option (offer to help in someway...) buy her a spa gift card., or in a couple of weeks, take her to a day spa while you or someone watches the baby and treat her to a day ful of splurging on her. it wouldhave been nice if i had had that after i gave birth. i had jut spent nine month caring for myself- and feeling like **** the whole time, and now ive had the baby and i ant really do anything....
Reply:things that made life easier. A coupon for X number hours of maid service from a place in town would be WONDERFUL. People who brought us meals were our best friends.
Reply:Stuff to make her feel good, such as luxurious lotions, bath oils, etc. Stuff that would make her feel great.

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