Saturday, November 14, 2009

What can I do with unwanted Christmas gifts instead of throwing them away?

What can I do with unwanted Christmas gifts? Every year I receive these little thought gifts that I know I will never use and I haven't the heart to throw them away. Any ideas?

What can I do with unwanted Christmas gifts instead of throwing them away?
ANY Charity will take them. Some even come to your home regularly and pick up unwanted items. Big Brothers and Big Sisters picks up regularly in my area, about every 2 weeks.

Another good place to donate them would be a women's shelter or homeless shelter in general. Remember, just because you don't want it doesn't mean that no one wants it. Believe me, someone out there would love to have something you find useless.
Reply:i like the suggenstiosn other peopel give ....or you could try returning them
Reply:Exchange them? Return them? Give them to someone?
Reply:I was going to say what jmcs already said
Reply:Sell them on eBay! There's often a buyer if the price is right.
Reply:regift or sale or donate
Reply:Give them away to family, friend, someone that you know that could use them.

Give to charity depending on what it is.

Donate to salvation army

Try to return

Sell on e-bay or at a garage sale

Re-gift (this is tacky in my opinion but people do it)

Donate to a friends wedding social or any social fundraiser

use as prizes to an event
Reply:give them to your local Senior center
Reply:why dont you go and take them to a charity shop and then that way you will be helping a good cause and you wont be throwing them away you are donating something and feel good about yourself doing so thats what id do if that was me
Reply:Give them to charity or re-gift them!
Reply:Give them to the Salvation Army, or some other charity. :D
Reply:Give them to the homeless. Or catholic charities.
Reply:Goodwill is a great place. Also, if they are for females why not donate them to womens' shelters, halfway houses, etc. They are always in need.

Reply:can u say EBAY !

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