Monday, November 16, 2009

Gifts for someone studying for the bar exam?

My husband's studying for the bar exam. I'd like to get him a gift (or several small gifts) while he's studying for the bar. Any suggestions? I'm thinking maybe things that will help him relax or have fun or something. Any suggestions would be great!!


Gifts for someone studying for the bar exam?
Massage. Or a visit to a hot-tub, or some other relaxing event. Those of us studying for the bar (me included) are under massive stress, and just the physical de-stress is a significant benefit.

If you're looking at tangible study aids, ask him. Everyone studies differently, and what helps one person study may not help another.

But the most important are humor and support. Reminding him to laugh, telling him how much you love him, even just a deep hug and a kiss every morning reminding him how proud you are of him, the little things that make each day better -- these are all priceless.
Reply:The Bar was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I don't know what it's like in your state now, but 10 years ago in Missouri, it was two days long -- 6 hours each day. It was all multiple choice on the first day and all essay on the second day. Then we had to wait months to find out if we passed.

Definitely get him gifts that emphasis relaxation. Massage, a nice dinner -- maybe an evening when you suprise him with wearing something romantic and doing all this favorite things in the bedroom. As for small gifts, how about a monte blanc pen to use during the Bar exam? Depending on his personality, maybe a tattoo? I got the scales of justice tattooed on my back when I graduated law school (I'm not the typical attorney, though).
Reply:cliff's notes. just kidding. Whether you golf or not I think those office putters are cute and a challenge. Accessories for the grill like a basket to grill fish, maybe a cute apron to go with it.

Some massage gel that heats up. A facial for men(which must be applied by a scantily clad wife. A gift card to your favorite restaurant. A gift card to the local spa for a foot and leg massage. Ooohhh I love those. Anyway, hope he does well, congrats to you both.

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